sábado, mayo 22, 2010

Find a summer Job "Writing Pre-Int"

From Me:
I am an Accounting graduate from UJAP in Venezuela. I have an MBA with concentration in Marketing from Fundesem Business School in Alicante- Spain. I have some experience in Public Relations because I worked in an International Departament in Fundesem.
Actually I am learning English in ILAC in Toronto- Canada. Because I need this language to complement my profesional background.
I looking for more experience in Marketing, but only part time. I'm more interested in practicing English than a good salary (for the moment)

More about me:

My Resume
Blog de Be@

(Beamena) on Twitter
Beatriz Mena LinkedIn
From: Company
We are an International Marketing Academy of Canada from Toronto and we are looking for people interested in learning about marketing.
We require:
-Good presentation
-Good computing skills
-Good social media skills

¿Are you interested?

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